Information about this Agency:
The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority (VIHFA) is the state housing finance authority for the Territory of the U.S. Virgin Islands and has been operating since June 1984. The VIHFA increases housing access and community development initiatives for low- to moderate - income families by developing safe, decent, sanitary and affordable homes, to include rental and emergency housing, home buyer education, and sponsorship of programs that maintain sustainable communities in the Territory. The VIHFA provides the following services as part of its housing counseling activity: dissemination of general information on the home purchase process and homebuyer programs, homeownership education seminars, and pre- and post-purchase homeownership counseling. The Home Buyers Education Program is an instructional guide for first-time home buyers to learn about the entire purchase process step-by-step; Pre-purchase Counseling includes personalized counseling services to an individual or family and focuses on overcoming budget and credit challenges. Loss Mitigation/Foreclosure Prevention Counseling incorporates topics such as budgeting and financial management, exploration of refinancing options, and strategies for negotiating with lenders to establish payment plans; and Financial Fitness Training, teaches consumers how to increase decision-making skills related to financial matters. The Authority also conducts Community Education workshops designed to increase public awareness of the Authority's homeownership and homebuyer education programs. The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority has several mortgage products that can be utilized to obtain the home of your dreams. These are: Lot Sale Program Homestead Loan Program Veteran Loan Program Single Family Loan Program HOME Program