Information about this Agency:
Congratulations for taking the first step towards successful homeownership by getting educated with this convenient online course! Remember, an educated consumer always makes better decisions.
NHS recommends that new homebuyers enroll in private and confidential homeownership counseling as well as complete this online course. Your counselor will serve as your homeownership coach and advocate throughout your home purchase process and will provide you with 1) a personalized credit and budget analysis to determine your readiness for a home purchase; 2) a personalized affordability analysis to determine how much home you can afford; and 3) a personalized action plan to serve as your step by step guide to successful homeownership.
Once you are ready to shop for a mortgage, your counselor will help you access the most competitive quotes, compare the mortgage offers and apply for down-payment and closing costs assistance for which you may be eligible.
To ensure that you get the best results from your home purchase, complete this informative course and enroll in our counseling program.
Please visit our website at and contact the office most convenient to you.
NHS of New York City/HOC
306 West 37th street
New York, NY 10018
212.519.2500 Tel.
PLEASE NOTE: You will be required to have contact with Neighborhood Housing Services of New York City before you will be able to print your completion certificate.