As the only faith-based, wealth-building system specifically designed with the black community in mind, dfree® delivers access to financial freedom. dfree® uses a variety of tools to educate, motivate and support people who make the choice to achieve and sustain financial freedom. The groundbreaking 12-step wealth-building system has aided nearly 10,000 individuals in paying down over $22 million of consumer debt through its Billion Dollar Challenge, an online interactive tool that allows users to track both debt and savings.
Founded in 2005 by Dr. DeForest B. Soaries, Jr., the movement has grown globally and is used by more than 4,000 churches and 200,000 individuals. dfree® began as an initiative to help stem an epidemic of overspending, particularly in the African-American community. dfree® gives participants the: ability to handle their own financial responsibilities; willingness to help others do the same; and, capacity to leave assets for future generations.
The organization also offers its online dfree® Academy to give individuals, churches and community organizations a convenient way to take dfree® courses, access dfree® Launch Training and gain access to the practical approaches and values-based principles that shift users toward financial freedom.
In the tradition of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., dfree® also is a movement
to help achieve economic justice in America. Rev. Dr. King once said, “We must never let it be said that we spend more for the evanescent and ephemeral than for the eternal values of freedom and justice.” dfree® emphasizes controlling money matters so that individuals have the freedom to focus on more purposeful pursuits.
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