Information about this Agency:
The Homebuyer Education and Financial Capability Program will assist eligible people interested in becoming homeowners or those in the process of purchasing a home. It will also teach participants about necessary financial information, such as budgeting, recovering from debt, banking, and much more. Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency has adopted the National Industry Standards for Homeownership Education. All counselors are Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) and NeighborWorks Center for Homeownership Education and Counseling (NCHEC) certified. Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency, Inc. (NEMCSA) is a private, non-profit Community Action Agency - part of a state and national network of Community Action Agencies. The agency is governed by a 33 member Board of Directors. This Board, in compliance with P.A. 230, brings together equal representation of the public and private sectors and the clients who receive services. In this manner, policy and fiscal matters as well as program and service issues are reviewed by those who have the insights to provide meaningful guidance to NEMCSA.
NEMCSA brings together federal and state grant funds as well as dollars from local private and public sources. These resources are then directed into programs which aid the poor and otherwise disadvantaged throughout the age spectrum, from pre-schoolers to the elderly of northeast Michigan. The funds include targeted dollars aimed at very specific problems as well as dollars which are more flexible in nature. In addition, the agency provides assistance to local governments and other non-profit agencies in securing funding for a range of projects which benefit communities and individuals within the NEMCSA service area.